Become a Volunteer in Our Programs for Seniors
If you have any questions, call Claire, or Nancy at 217-479-4619.

Calling All Volunteers!
Jan Fellhauer is a long time, Prairie Council on Aging board member and pictured here. Prairie Council has a NEWLY formed VOUNTEER PROGRAM. We want your input. We asked Jan for input because she ran a volunteer program as a career, locally. So if any of you are COVID BORED and looking to fill the time AND have an Impact on a person’s life, READ ON!!! Prairie Council’s mission is to keep individuals over 60 in the community as long as possible SAFELY. I encourage you to visit our website – It has been renovated this year. www.pcaging.com OR Facebook / Instagram.
9 Volunteer Opportunities:
- Deliver Doorbell Dinner Meals on Wheels in Jacksonville ONLY – Impact is feeding those who are hungry and combat isolation.
- Deliver Bread of Love Meals on Wheels in Jacksonville AND South Jacksonville - Impact is feeding those who are hungry and combat isolation.
- Illinois Volunteer program (IVMMP) – Advice to a person who has a single issue of concern - ? explain a piece of confusing mail for example.
- Illinois Volunteer program (IVMMP) – Help sort mail bills from garbage and assure a semi-confused person’s bills get paid.
- Illinois Volunteer program (IVMMP) – Help sort mail and bills for someone who Social Security feels cannot handle their money.
- Illinois Volunteer program (IVMMP) COORDINATOR –This person becomes passionate about helping any type person and coordinating volunteers with those in need.
- July 4th – Prairie Council begins distributing FARMERS MARKET COUPONS. Usually all gone in July/August. Seniors need Fruit and Veggies in their diet and these coupons do just that. Help have an impact on seniors nutrition and health.
- Want to help people with the cost of their prescriptions by comparing plans?? Become a Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) volunteer. We train you.
- SENIOR SALUTES are a 2-5 minute recording of volunteers and participants alike talking about how important it is to keep seniors Safe and in the community. NEW!!
TRAINING – is all done one on one:
- You observe staff doing the task (When you're ready advance to #2 listed below)
- Staff observes you doing the task (When you're ready advance to #3)
- Task done independently and documentation reviewed.
Thank you and WOW your volunteerism is really helping seniors stay safely in the community.
**If you have an interest in any of the 9 opportunities above, please attend a Volunteer orientation. Register for the orientation by calling 217-479-4619 ask for one of us. Grant- Volunteer Program temp help Ext 1106, Claire Nutrition and IVMMP coordinator, Ext 2101, or Nancy, Executive Director , Ext 1101.
We really want all your questions answered at the orientation but could spend 5 minutes or so prior to you registering for anything specific.
Lastly, COVID Precautions:
- Prairie Council can provide PPE personal protective equipment from face shields, masks, sanitizer or even gowns/gloves. Masks will be required.
- Prairie Council would like volunteers to accept the vaccine and will promoting dates and times for that to happen. Registration is a MUST. Call 217-479-1817 COVID HOT LINE to register. NOT the Health Department. Spread the word NOT COVID
- All work will be done as safely and with the least amount of contact possible. Usually, short spurts of face to face interaction and by appointment. Phone optional.
On behalf of all the people older than 60 that want to remain in the community, THANK YOU IN ADVANCE for even considering helping in one of the 9 ways listed above.
Call us 217-479-4619 and ask for Claire or Nancy
Bread of Love Serves Morgan, Cass, and Scott Counties
Meals on Wheels delivers Hamilton’s catered meals. No senior is turned away. The suggested donation is $4/day Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
One hot, ready-to-eat meal, four days a week.
Doorbell Dinners Is Jacksonville ONLY
Meals on Wheels delivers Passavant catered, doctor prescribed meals.
The $4.30 fee must be paid daily, Monday through Friday.
Each delivery includes 2 meals: 1 hot and 1 cold.
Illinois Volunteer Program (IVMMP)
Help seniors go through their confusing mail. Help them pay bills and save for items like eyeglasses and dentures.
Carrollton Office
(217) 942-5563
Jacksonville Office
(217) 479-4619
PRAIRIE COUNCIL ON AGING does NOT hire in-home care aids. If you would like to be an in-home care aid, contact any of the following organizations to be hired by them. A background check and hours of training is required. PRAIRIE COUNCIL ON AGING coordinates who receives hours of in-home care and how many hours but does NOT hire or pay in-home care aids. See below.
In Home Care Agencies:
- Addus (800) 659-6474
- Cass County Mental Health (217) 323-3980 x326
- Community Care Systems, Inc. (CCSI) (800) 637-0401
- Help at Home (HAH) (866)-617-6100
- Home Instead (217) 245-9192