
Events Focusing on Comprehensive Care for Seniors

LEARN TIPS AND TRICKS TO BEAT STRESS with prairie council on Aging's sTRESS-bUSTING Program
Why participate?
When and where is it? How do I join?
Calling all volunteers!
Jan Fellhauer is a long time, Prairie Council on Aging board member and pictured here. Prairie Council has a NEWLY formed VOUNTEER PROGRAM.
We want your input. We asked Jan for input because she ran a volunteer program as a career, locally. If you are looking to fill the time AND have an Impact on a person’s life, READ ON!!!
Prairie Council’s mission is to keep individuals over 60 in the community as long as possible SAFELY. I encourage you to visit our website – It has been renovated this year. OR Facebook / Instagram.
Prairie Council on Aging has 9 volunteer opportunities
Call us at 217-479-4619 to sign up for an Orientation!
On behalf of all the people older than 60 that want to remain in the community, THANK YOU IN ADVANCE for even considering helping in one of the 9 ways listed here.

GOOD NEWS – Prairie Council on Aging had an UN-Senior Day Event!!!
This was our way of getting information out to the seniors of Morgan, Cass, Scott, Greene, and Jersey Counties without gathering due to COVID.
Here is how it worked: Prairie Council advertised on the Resources page here on our website,, and in the newspaper so that seniors could call our sponsors or visit their websites.
Prairie Council is proud to sponsor the Nutrition Programs (Door Bell Diners and Bread of Love), and this year’s proceeds were all restricted giving to feed seniors in need.