The Best Options in Senior Care Coordination
Live Safely in the Community

Mission Statement:
PRAIRIE COUNCIL ON AGING is a multifaceted agency whose purpose is to provide an array of services to persons sixty and over, with emphasis on those persons who have greatest social or economic need, to help them stay in their own homes, independently for as long as possible, safely. These services are delivered over a multi-county area and help the older citizens cope with special problems in areas of food and nutrition, in-home care, counseling and legal questions. Many of the programs offer an opportunity to enlist the skills and energies of the older persons themselves, giving them a purpose and contributing to their own well-being.
Prairie Council on Aging and Meals on Wheels America

Call us at 217-479-4619 to sign up for an Orientation!
On behalf of all the people older than 60 that want to remain in the community, THANK YOU IN ADVANCE for even considering helping in one of the 9 ways listed here.
Calling all volunteers!
Jan Fellhauer is a long time, Prairie Council on Aging board member and pictured here. Prairie Council has a NEWLY formed VOUNTEER PROGRAM.
We want your input. We asked Jan for input because she ran a volunteer program as a career, locally. So if you are looking to fill the time AND have an Impact on a person’s life, READ ON!!!
Prairie Council’s mission is to keep individuals over 60 in the community as long as possible SAFELY. I encourage you to visit our website – It has been renovated this year. www.pcaging.com OR Facebook / Instagram.
Prairie Council on Aging has 9 volunteer opportunities